Tuesday, 19 June 2012

June 20, 1876

“The excursion to the Brant House last evening by the Transit was one of the most successful of the present season.”
                            Hamilton Spectator   June 20, 1876
The steamer Transit was frequently referenced in the pages of Hamilton newspapers as its excursions to various pleasure grounds around the bay and its partnership with entertainers were proving to be very well received.
The excursion on June 19, 1876 was a good example:
“The Brant House grounds were brilliantly lighted and the very large crowd of visitors were entertained in a most acceptable manner. The display of fireworks given by Professor Hand, the feats performed by Professor Jenkins, on the tight rope, and the excellent music by the Maple Leaf Band served to make the time pass away most pleasantly. The Transit excursions are evidently highly appreciated.”
The sport of baseball was rapidly increasing in popularity in the Hamilton area in 1876, both at the professional and amateur levels, as indicated by the following brief items:
 “The famous champions of Canada – the Maple Leaf club of Guelph – will play in this city next Saturday afternoon. We feel certain that an immense crowd will witness the game.”
“As the Waterdown junior boys of the Eureka Base Ball Club have been organized under the leadership of Master A. L. Robson, they are prepared to accept a challenge from any club of boys under 15 years of age, in the Dominion, to play a friendly game of base ball on their grounds on the 1st of July, as they are so situated that they cannot go away from home on that day, and they will play a return match at any time.”
The proceedings at Hamilton Police Court during the morning were entertaining as usual both for those who attend the police court for entertainment, and equally of interest for readers of the Spectator in that paper’s afternoon edition :

                                                             Tuesday June 20
                             BREACH OF BYLAW
George Helley was summoned for not putting a fence around building material on the street, and placing a sidewalk around same. Fined 30 dollars.
Ellen Quinn was picked up drunk on York street by P. C. Fitzgerald. She was assessed $5 or forty days.
Thos. Anderson was drunk at the G. W. R. depot, and was arrested by P. C. Cornelius. He was fined $2.
James Langmoore, Issac Gordon and Edwin Newcomb, were arrested, as vagrants. The men, who were strong and able-bodied, told a story that they had come to the city yesterday to look for work, but had not been successful in finding any. They were fined $5 or 90 days each.
Patrick Corbett, sr., charge Patrick, jr., with threatening him. Patrick, jr., was bound over to keep the peace in two sureties of $50 each.
                             REFUSED TO PAY WAGES
Mrs. McAllister was charged by Nella Dixon with refusing to pay her wages. She was ordered to pay a week’s wages and the costs.
Arthur Arkel, a boy of about ten years, was arrested on complaint of Mrs. Ainsworth with striking her little girl with a stone. Fined $2.

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