Wednesday 29 February 2012

March 1, 1876

“A thaw has commenced
The farmers report bad sleighing.
A billiard tournament will shortly take place at the Royal for the championship of Hamilton.”
              Hamilton Spectator.  March 1, 1876
As can deuced from the above brief quotations from the first Hamilton Spectator of March 1876, that month came into the area like a lamb, setting up the concern that it might well exit like a lion.
The story of murder of Nelson Mills by Michael McConnell was nearing its climax.
The Canadian Illustrated News was a national publication containing stories and lithograph illustrations relating to stories of interest.
Hamilton artist Mackay was assigned the task of drawing a series of images to accompany an article about the Mills murder. The Spectator was given a preview of the drawings a week before the magazine was to be published:
“Mr. J. G. Mackay has taken sketches of the prisoner McConnell in the box; his Lordship Judge Moss delivering sentence; the act of the murderer, representing McConnell, in the act of striking his victim; the arrest, representing Detective MacPherson seizing his prisoner; Dr. Campbell giving his evidence; and the crowd beside the Court House. All the sketches are exceedingly well executed, and will appear in next week’s Canadian Illustrated News.
          With the huge numbers of horses on downtown Hamilton streets in 1876, it was inevitable that with all the noise and confusion, that runaways would be frequent, and they were. This one recounted in the Spectator was particularly notable:
 “This morning a span of horses attached to a coal sleigh ran away down James street at a furious pace. The St. Nicholas Hotel bus was ahead, and the driver, on seeing the run away, sprang in front of the horses and stopped them. The deed was a daring one as the horses were large animals, and going at a great speed.”
          A weekly report on the collective efforts of private charities to alleviate the distress of the poor in Hamilton in 1876 was published in the Spectator, the report noting that only meals were being provided after the closure of the dormitory:
“The statistics of this charity for the past week are as follows : 500 meals distributed, principally to families, 67 lodgings furnished to 22 applicants, numbering 1 bricklayer, 1 carter, 1 clerk, 12 labourers, 1 moulder, 2 painters, 2 sailors. Some of the above are able to pay a trifle for their night’s accommodation, and are thus permitted to occupy their quarters for a longer period than the more casual paupers. The partial closing of the Dormitory has had a good effect in reducing the number of this latter class who have for some time been frequenting the city.”
          The roving Spectator reporter walking the city’s downtown street noticed a new decorative element at one of the businesses:
“A magnificent gold lettered sign has been placed above the door of the new offices of the Canada Southern Railway on James street. The sign is 20 feet long, and the letters are very large and handsomely finished.”
          In early 1876, Locke street, both the northern and southern sections of the street were on the outskirts of the city proper. Some homes, businesses and churches had been starting to be established on Locke street by late winter 1876 prompting a call for improvements:
“Monday evening, Mr. Blasdell and several other ratepayers handed a petition to the City Council, asking for improvements on Locke street in the shape of crossings, sidewalks and drains. Mr. Blasdell had fifty of his neighbours with him ready to urge Council to make the alterations. The petition was referred to the Board of Works, and the petitioners will be heard at their next meeting.”
          The subject of excessive use of alcohol was of great public interest in March 1876 as evidenced by the following Spectator account of a public meeting on the topic:
“About one thousand people assembled in the Centenary Church last evening to listen to Mrs. Youmans’ temperance lecture. The pastor of the church, the Rev. Hugh Johnston, called upon the Rev. Mr. Benson of the M.E. Church to offer prayer.
The Rev. Mr. Johnston said he was glad to see such a large audience present, and it cheered his heart to see the great interest that was being taken in the temperance movement. He believed the cause to be the cause of God, and consequently the cause of the church, and was delighted to see the great interest being taken in it by the members of his own church and congregation, both ladies and gentlemen. He then introduced D. B. Chisholm, esq., and old and tried temperance man who had been requested to act as chairman of the meeting.
Mr. Chisholm said it gave him great pleasure not only to occupy the chair, but also to be permitted to take any part, however humble, in a cause which was so good, and which was so intimately connected with the church. Before proceeding further, he wished without entering into the matter at any length, to take advantage of the opportunity afforded him, of giving an unqualified denial to the charges made against him at a public meeting on the previous night. He was satisfied that the gentleman who made them, a gentleman who he highly respected, had been imposed upon by some persons, enemies to the cause of temperance, and he trusted that this gentleman would, and knowing him to be an honest man, he felt sure would take the first opportunity of stating that he had been misinformed. He said he mentioned this with a good deal of delicacy, but, in justice to the ladies for whom he spoke, to the cause which he advocated and justice to himself, he felt it his duty to make this statement. He said he had taken a temperance pledge when a boy in 1851, twenty-five years ago, he joined the Sons of Temperance, and he regarded that pledge as sacred as an oath, and taken for life, and by it he was pledged “ neither to make, buy, sell, nor use as a beverage, any spirituous or malt liquors, wines or cider,” and hitherto by the blessing of God, he had been able to keep that pledge, and by the same blessing, he would keep it till the day of his death.
After referring to the origin of the meeting, which he said originated with the ladies of the church, he next gave reasons why ladies should be diligent and earnest in their work. He said there were some people so extremely sensitive that they ould not begin to think of ladies being public speakers, or occupying public positions, forgetful entirely of the fact that the highest position of place that anyone could occupy in the British Empire was filled by a woman, and been so filled for nearly forty years in a manner that challenged the admiration of the whole civilized world. He trusted he would live to see the day when ladies would have the right to vote. If in England, they have the right to vote for School Trustees, why should they be deprived of the right to vote in other matters? The ladies have brains to think, hearts to feel, and hands to work, and very many of them own large amounts of property upon which they have to pay taxes, and the time must come, before long, when in this country and in England, freedom in this matter as well as in many others, shall be granted to them.
After paying Mrs. Youmans a very high compliment for the great work she had done throughout Canada in the temperance cause, he introduced her to the audience amidst loud applause.
We wish we had space to give a full report of this admirable lecture. It was based upon the Bible, and without a single irrelevant remark, or without attempting to please the audience by jokes and satires as too frequently is the case, she kept her audience in perfect interest for an hour and a quarter, by the soundest argument, and the most solemn facts and incidents that had come under her own observation. Mrs. Youmans spoke without notes, and without hesitation, and her eloquent appeals seemed to go to the hearts of her audience. She handed the question of revenue in a manner that showed she had given it much thought, and gave many reasons why the question of revenue should not be put in the balance as against the ruin of men, women and children, with fortune and eternity. She was particularly severe on the license system, the money derived from which she characterized as “the price of blood.”
The Rev. Mr. Benson moved, and the Rev. Mr. Lewis seconded, a vote of thanks to Mrs. Youmans, and in doing so stated that it was the best lecture on the subject to which they had ever listened.
After the Benediction was pronounced, a book was opened containing the Temperance pledge, and large numbers remained to sign it.
As we go to press, Mrs. Youmans is holding a ladies’ temperance meeting in the rooms of the Y.M.C.A., when it is intended to organize a Ladies Temperance Association. We are sure that Mrs. Youmans visit to the city at this particular time will give a fresh impetus to the cause of Temperance.”

Tuesday 28 February 2012

February 29, 1876

In 1876 Hamilton, a pattern of very public criticism  of Hamilton City Council, and municipal operations in Hamilton, was already a tradition which began much earlier and would continue.
As regards the political part of Hamilton’s municipal government, an alderman had long been suspected of being in a conflict of interest. In the February 29,1876 issue of the Hamilton Spectator, a story was included as to how the controversy was put to rest:
“Last evening at the regular meeting of City Council, Ald. Campbell handed in his resignation by letter. He stated he had heard that many of his constituents had complained that he was furnishing the city with sewer pipe and holding a position at the Council Board at the same time, and therefore felt as a duty to himself that he should resign.”
At a regular council meeting in late February 1876, a citizen delegation appeared to let the aldermen know, in no uncertain terms, its view on the numbers of licences allowed by the city for places where alcohol could be sold legally:
Last evening the regular meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall.
At an early hour, the auditorium was filled by an eager crowd who had gathered there to listen to the discussion on the Licence By-Law which was to come up. Before the regular business of the meeting commenced, a deputation of ladies waited on the Aldermen with a petition signed by 2,500 names, asking that the Council that no grocery should be allowed to sell liquor. They were introduced by D. B. Chisholm, who in a forcible speech, asked the Council to accept the conditions of the petitioners, and, if they refused, the temperance people of the city would bring influence to bear on the next Municipal election. He then introduced
Mrs. Youmans, of Picton. That lady said : Gentlemen of the Council, the last speaker has spoken to you from a financial standpoint, I speak to you from the standpoint of our desolated homes. I represent your mothers, wives and daughters who are crying aloud against this terrible curse. I speak to you on behalf of those who have seen their husbands fill drunkard’s graves, and their sons go down to perdition on account of this terrible evil. I hear a great cry that the reduction of licences will reduce the revenue. If you persist in your course, you are selling the young men of the city to sustain the revenue! Remember, and remember it well, that your action in this matter tonight will be brought up before you on the judgement day.
The ladies then retired, and the regular business of the meeting was proceeded with.
The Council resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the above By-Law – Ald. Barr in the chair.
Moved by Ald. Chisholm, and seconded  by Ald. Lee that the number of shop licences be eighty.
After a long discussion the number of shop licences was limited to seventy-five.
Moved by Ald. Kent, seconded by Ald. Lee, and Resolved, - that the following prices be charged for the current year; Shop Licences $35, over and above; Tavern $45, over and above; and Houses of Entertainment $100.
Moved by Ald. O’Reilly, seconded by Ald. Kilvert, That the members of this Council while unable to accede to the prayer of the petition presented to them this evening by the ladies, in reference to the subject of shop licences, fully recognise and appreciate the motive by which the members of the deputation were actuated in preparing and presenting the said petition. Carried.
In the days when Hamilton’s principal streets were very muddy in wet weather and dusty in dry weather, the way that the dust kicked by traffic was kept down in dry weather was through the use of a cart that spread water lightly on the dust to keep it down. An article in the Spectator at the end of February welcomed the fact that Hamilton’s ancient, unsightly water carts were to be replaced with ones more efficient and less unattractive:
“One of the principal eye-sores of our city in the summertime is the great, lumbering water carts which roll clumsily along spilling, not sprinkling, water upon our streets. It has been a matter which has been complained of very often by Hamiltonians, that a single horse should be compelled to drag these unwieldy machines, and many of our readers will be glad to hear that the Water Works Committee intend placing patent sprinklers upon the streets next summer, and that the carriages with the exception of the patent sprinkler will be built in this city.”

On February 28, 1876, a case involving a house of prostitution came before Police Court Magistrate Cahill :
“Ida St. Clair charged Nellie Mortimer with keeping a house of ill fame, Nellie Curtis, Eve Venersdale, Lou Howard and Mattie Bell with frequenting said house.
Ida St. Clair, sworn : Live in the city; know Nellie Mortimer; lives at 104 John street north; she occupies the house; she has occupied it some three or four months; she keeps a young women’s boarding house; it is considered a house of ill fame; I know it to be a house of ill fame; I lived there part of the time; I left last Thursday or Wednesday; gentlemen visit the house; I do not know whether they are strangers or friends; I was ill the most of the time I was there; I don’t know whether they came to see me or not; there are bedrooms in the house.
Cross-examined by Mr. Carscallen : Most of the men who frequent the house are married men in the city; the house is owned by Allie Miller, Toronto; the girls pay $13 a week for board and lodging; Nellie Mortimer pays $60 a week rent to Allie Miller. The reason I have complained is that Nellie Mortimer holds my trunks; I was sick and when I offered to pay her money for my board, she told me not to insult her; it is not common for women of her class to receive large sums for women who are sick.
Detective McPherson, sworn : Have been in the house two or three times within the last two months; the report is that it is a house of ill fame; have seen men and women in there; made a note of it in my book.
Ida  St. Clair was called to prove that the to prove that the girls Venersdale, Howard and Curtis were frequenters of the house. Mattie Bell was discharged.
Nellie Mortimer was sentenced to three months in jail without the option of a fine, and the girls Curtis, Venersdale and Howard got $50 each, or six months in jail.”

February 28, 1876

 “About nine o’clock yesterday morning, the storm of the season commenced.”
Hamilton Spectator. February 28, 1876.
          It took until Sunday February 27, 1876 for the first major winter storm of the season to hit Hamilton :
“The wind blew strongly from the north east, carrying with it drifts of hard snow, which pelted against window panes and people’s faces like showers of hail. The wind increased as the day grew older and swept through the streets with extraordinary fury, driving pedestrians into their houses and causing horses in numerous instances to turn their tails to the storm. The gale continued all night, blockading many sidewalks and filling numerous lanes.”
Maybe it was just the fact that James McDougall had imbibed too much alcohol and couldn’t find his way home in the storm, but somehow he ended up at the Centenary Methodist Church for the Sunday evening service :
“Last evening, Rev. Mr. Johnson’s sermon in the Centenary Church, on “The Nature of Future Punishment,” was rudely and disgracefully interrupted by a drunken man named J. McDougall. Mr. Johnson had only proceeded for about ten minutes and speaking of the mysteries of heaven, had asked who could fathom them, when a deep, loud voice broke the stillness by prompting answering, “I can.” All eyes were turned towards the gallery where the sound appeared to come from, where seated in a prominent place in the far left hand corner from the pulpit, a man was seen in a state of beastly inebriety. No particular notice was taken by Mr. Johnson of the interruption. He proceeded with his discourse which was interrupted, about every five minutes by exclamations from the man of “pshaw” but in a tone not so loud as before. At nearly the conclusion of the sermon however, and when the congregation had become somewhat used to the interruptions a sound that fairly reverberated the building came again, and “pshaw was again heard from the same source. The effect was electrical. All eyes were now turned to the man where he was sitting shaking his head in a solemnly drunken manner that set the younger members of the congregation off in a snicker, while on the faces of the older was seen a look of thorough annoyance. Mr. Johnson was compelled to stop in his sermon, and to request that the man leave the church. Several of the ushers went up to him, and requested him to leave, but he silently refused; when finding persuasion was useless, Mayor Roach, who was in the church at the time, was sent for a wrote out an order for the police to come and remove him. The sermon was then ended, Mr. Johnson stating that there would be no use continuing, but that at some future time, he would resume the subject. McDougall was allowed to stay so long as he kept quiet, which he did until the congregation dispersed when he was removed by the policemen and conveyed to the cells.”
At the Monday morning, McDougall, undoubtedly hung over, was brought before the police magistrate and fined twenty dollars for his escapade.
          In another case that morning, focus was brought on the jail on Batron street:
“This morning, Mr. James Morrison, head turkey at the jail, had James Cauley up at the police court on the charge of wilfully destroying jail property. Mr. Morrison says that the prisoners while scuffling with one another tear their clothes sometimes wantonly when they have nothing else to do. They also tear up the sheets and make long ropes out of them, which they throw over the wall, or out of the windows and then haul up tobacco and other luxuries. Morrison wants to put a stop to it. The case was adjourned until this afternoon at 4 o’clock. “
The highlight of the weekend was the appearance of the famous American lecturer, former newspaper man, associate of assassinated president Abraham Lincoln and an abolitionist who had worked extensively with Preacher Stowe in Brooklyn :
“On Saturday evening last, a highly respected and unsympathetic audience, which, considering the evening and the absence of local influence, must also be considered a large audience, assembled at Mechanics’ Hall for the purpose of listening to Theodore’s lecture upon the “Problem of Life.” Upon making his appearance on the platform without formal introduction, Mr. Tilton seated himself upon a sofa until the applause with which he was greeted had subsided, after which he drew up his long form, and commenced his address, in the earlier passage of which he discriminated between character and reputation – a discrimination to which he might have added point by citing his own case, as two-thirds of his audience were attracted rather by his “reputation,” as the intellectual and social and legal foe of Beecher, than by his “character” as an able journalist and eloquent platform speaker. In appearance, he is all that the “scandal” pictures represent him to be, and he would attention and recognition in any assemblage of people. His style of oratory, judged by this single instance, is at times impressive, at times affected, and, to Canadian listeners, always more or less stagey. His lecture consists of a series of brilliant generalizations of historical facts, literary merceaux and mythological illustrations, applied to or contrasted with the modern state of affairs. AS the lecturer more than once hinted, his discourse had been prepared for American audiences, and dealt severely with the social follies, religious hypocrisies, political corruptions and business frauds of the United States, but as human nature is pretty much the same on both sides of the Lakes, many bullets found their billets in our own good city, as the laughter and applause of the audience testified. His sarcastic allusions to Brooklyn, “the city of churches,” were received in a manner which showed that his listeners believed him to be talking at his own grievances although not of them. He speaks for nearly two hours, to the manifest entertainment of his audience, but so far as the problem of life or its solution were concerned, he might well have taken for his text the problem of peanuts. He is not evidently one to brook silly interruptions, for the manner in which he sat on one individual who signaled his utterances as “nonsense,” was largely amusing to everyone except the individual aforesaid. We should say that Theodore is not the most mild-mannered man in the world. On the whole the lecture was well-worth listening to, and no doubt Mr. Tilton could be even more interesting with a narrower text and in a less speculative field. He left this morning for Toronto, where he lectures tonight.”
        The day after the lecture, a Spectator reporter made his way to the hotel where Tilto9n was staying to conduct an interview :
“Yesterday afternoon our reporter called upon Theodore Tilton at his room, parlor K, in the Royal Hotel. Mr. Tilton was engaged in writing, but rose courteously and remarking that he was always glad to meet a newspaperman, as he had been one himself for twenty years. After talking for a few minutes on commonplace topics, our reporter remarked that he regretted that the weather was such as to prevent Mr. Tilton having a stroll through the city. Mr. Tilton replied : “You cannot regret this more than I. However, yesterday afternoon, I had a short walk, and during it made up my mind that Hamilton was one of the prettiest cities I was ever in. The streets are so regular, and there is an air of refinement and luxury about most of the houses which is enchanting. I strolled as far as the mountain and there witnessed one of the most graceful landscapes I have ever beheld. The sky was lowering, and did not at all favour the view, still I pictured to myself the countless trees below me covered with green leaves, the land-locked bay dotted with sails and the hills beyond hung with haze, and one of the prettiest pictures imaginable arose before me.”
Reporter – Do you distinguish any difference between the Canadians and the people across the border?”
Mr. Tilton – “None in particular except, indeed, they appear more kind-hearted and less absorbed in business. I shall never forget the courtesy with which I have been treated since I came here. When I was walking on the street, people who recognized me have come forward, shaken me by the hand, spoken to me kindly, and welcomed me to their city. Several parties have called on me in my room here, and all of them have helped to make my visit and extremely pleasant one.”
Reporter – “When do you propose returning to the States, Mr. Tilton?”
Mr. Tilton – Next Thursday, after my lecture in Toronto. I have received a letter from a local committee in Ottawa, inviting me to deliver my lecture there, but I don’t think I will have time. Bye-the-bye, have you heard the circumstances under which I came here?”
Reporter – “No.”
Mr. Tilton – “It was rather a cruel jest with me, in as much as it has put me in an awkward position. I received a letter in Brooklyn, as did also the Literary Bureau, enquiring if I could be engaged to lecture one night in Hamilton either immediately before or after the Toronto lecture. I replied that I could, and shortly afterwards received a note informing me of the date. I came straight on, believing, of course that I was coming at the invitation of a local committee in this city. On my arrival at the Hamilton station, the prospect was anything but cheering, and after standing on the platform for some time, a youth of about twenty years came forward and pushed a card in my hand which bore the name of Tracy Niles, which I recognized at once to be the name of the party who engaged me. I was somewhat startled, but thinking it all right, and that it was the way they did things in Canada, I asked him if I was to go to a hotel or a private house. Mr. Niles replied that he didn’t know any private parties in the city, and he rather thought I better go to an hotel. This statement completely staggered me, and on asking him a few questions, I found that he had never been before, and that he knew nothing whatever of the lecturing business. I turned on him sharply, and asked why he had brought me here under these circumstances when he replied with an irresistible grin that it was his Yankee enterprise. I heartily wished his “Yankee enterprise” turned to better account, and made the best of my way to the hotel. After the lecture, I waited in the hall till all the people were gone, but Niles never came near me nor have I seen the young man since.
Reporter – It was an unfortunate affair; but showed a talent for such things in the young man, which, if cultivated properly, will make him famous.”
Mr. Tilton – “A local committee are always jealous of a man coming amongst them a stranger, and on his own merits. The people of this city, I suppose, imagine that I came here on my own hook to speak; on the contrary, I am here unfortunately in connection with a business transaction of an enterprising “Yankee.”
Reporter – “Mr. Niles ought to be annihilated.”
Mr. Tilton – “Very good indeed.
          Mr. Tilton became very uneasy, glancing anxiously at the windows and doors, and after wishing him every success in Toronto, our reporter retired.”
Finally a court case involving respected members of the rural Saltfleet township community, just east of Hamilton was brought to a conclusion :
“At no Interim Session during the past year have there been as much interest taken as on Saturday last, when Wm. Terryberry, James Terryberry and Simon Peter Springstead were put upon their trial on the charge of stealing grain. The court room was filled, almost every seat in the gallery being occupied. Nine-tenths of those present were from the township and deeply interested in the case. The greater part of the evidence was given on Saturday, but it would not be out of place to repeat that the prisoners were charged with stealing grain, a crime of a serious nature in the country. The Terryberrys are men who have borne unblemished characters so far, and were highly respected in the community in which they live, and when the news got abroad that they had been arrested for stealing, the whole country was shocked. Sympathy was felt for them at first, but this oon changed to indignation as the evidence at the preliminary examination went very strongly against them. It was proven that the prisoners were out at a late hour that night, that Simon Peter Springstead had asked for a dark lantern and had not slept in his accustomed place. Samples of the grain stolen and that found in Terryberry’s bin had a remarkable resemblance and the tracks in the mud were such as might have been made by Terryberry’s horses. On Saturday the prisoners brought respectable people from Saltfleet to testify to their good characters, but when the case closed, Springstead was sentenced to eighteen months in the Central Prison, William Terryberry to twelve months in the Central Prison, and James Terryberry to six months in jail. A very respectable looking girl, a relative of the Terryberrys, on hearing the sentence of the court, burst into a perfect storm of grief, and wept as if her heart would break.”

Sunday 26 February 2012

February 26, 1876

The Saturday afternoon edition of the Hamilton Spectator  on February 26, 1876 was a little light on interesting news. A lengthy, and quite dry, account of the previous year’s activities of the Mechanics’ Institute dominated the page 4 area of the 4 page newspaper where items of local interest were usually located.

          Full details of that Saturday’s Market were laid out for Spectator readers :
          The markets were pretty well attended this morning. A large quantity of produce was offered for sale and changed hands. A very large quantity of veal was brought in which was sold very rapidly. The price per pound was 5 cents. Beef was not plenty and was tough, and mutton was scarce and of good quality. Pork was well-represented, and was principally of the large breed, and no chickens were offered for sale. Butter remains strong, turnip and dear, although some good lots were to be found. Potatoes are offered freely, and apples bring a good price.”
An area of James street north was enlivened by an accident :
A runaway took place down James street today which caused considerable excitement and might have proved fatal in its consequences. A farmer’s team took fright and ran away, between Mulberry and Robert streets, dashing into Dr. Mullin’s rig, which was smashed to pieces, and dashed into the sidewalk. No person was hurt, but all the horses were cut and bruised more or less.”
The Hamilton Board of Health published an early warning of the provisions of a By-Law concerning the requirements of city property-holders to make a thorough spring clean-up of the yards:
Public Notice : Board of Health
Citizens are hereby notified to be in compliance with the provisions of By-Law No. 61, relating to the Public Health of the City of Hamilton, to remove from their premises all filth or other material dangerous to the public health and to cleanse all cesspools and privy vaults before the 20th of April, or in default the Board of Health may cause the same to be done, and the costs and expenses thereof charged, in addition to any penalties imposed by the said By-Law.
A book is kept at Mr. McCracken’s residence beside the King William Street Police Station for the purpose of entering complaints of any instance injurious to the public health.
Competent persons willing to remove subsoil can be obtained at a reasonable rate by applying to Mr. McCracken.
                             Signed, T. Crooker, M. D.,
                      Chairman, Board of Health.
Hamilton, Feb. 21, 1876

Finally, the newly-completed transformation of Christ’s Church on James street north into the much enlarged Christ’s Church Cathedral was a location to many in the community, whether members of the Anglican faith or not. To accommodate that interest, the leaders of the Cathedral asked the local press to inform the public as to the times and preachers scheduled for the following day.
It was an opportunity for the general public to see for themselves the splendid interior of the grand edifice.
Also noted that all pews would be generally available, rather than the usual practice in which only those who had rented the pews could be seated in them:
“The services in the Cathedral tomorrow, we are requested to say, will be as follows : Morning service at 11 o’clock, the Lord Bishop of Toronto will preach. Afternoon at 3 o’clock, The Lord Bishop of Niagara, and at evening service, The Dean of the Cathedral. The seats tomorrow will be free and open to the public, and special collections will be made in aid of the building fund.”