Tuesday, 14 February 2012

February 15, 1876 - Part One

”The Auction Sale of household furniture, piano, phaeton, horse, etc., will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, at the stone residence, corner of Mary and Cannon streets”
                          Hamilton Spectator    February 15, 1876 

One of the beautiful stone residences in Hamilton, still standing and under new ownership, was the focus of attention for people who enjoyed a lively auction.
The Spectator announcement of the sale claimed that it would be “one of the most attractive of the season:”
“The phaeton is a beautiful carriage, and has been very little used. The horse is an excellent one and a most desirable animal. The piano, a magnificent instrument, four round corners, serpentine base, is by Haines Bros., New York and has only been in the house since May last. Be on hand, Mr. Alanson will commence sharp.”
In the aftermath of the arsons which were proliferating in Hamilton’s west end, a related crime took place at one of them while the firemen were at work:
“This afternoon, a man was tried at the Police Court on the charge of stealing or attempting to steal at the fire at Sharp’s block on the corner of Queen and King streets on Sunday morning. The suspected party was a loafer at the fire.”
          Reports of relatively small criminal situations dominated the issue of the Hamilton Spectator of February 15, 1876.
          Three of those reports follow:
          “On Sunday while a family named Dupres, living near the Hughson street bride, were at church, their servant girl decamped taking with her a new silk dress and some valuable jewellery, the property of her mistress. The girl has not been seen since. She was supposed to be a very honest and reliable servant.”

       It is almost every day occurrence for lads to enter the alleyways running from James to Macnab streets, between King and Market, and steal any light article they can lay their hands upon. This morning a squad of boys entered the yard in rear of the shoe store next to Stoneman’s fruit store and stole a pot. They sometimes steal axes, kettles, boxes, wood and anything in fact of value they can carry off easily. We advise people living in the neighbourhood to keep a sharp look out.”

“Several citizens have complained of the crowd of disorderly boys who congregate around the corner of Bay and King streets every evening. They sometimes obstruct the sidewalk and are always disagreeable to quiet citizens passing along the street.”

In that same issue of the Hamilton Spectator, another crime story appeared, one of a much more serious nature. The matter opened with a lengthy coverage of the matter as it appeared before the court, the first of many days’ coverage – the next post will deal with that crime.

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