“A terrible case of sudden death occurred in the city on Tuesday, but
whether it is the result of suicide or a craving for drink is a matter to be
determined by the Coroner’s Inquest which is to sit this evening.”
Spectator. May 12, 1876
was a shocking discovery – a home’s cook found dead under peculiar
testimony at the coroner’s inquest, and verdict of the coroner’s jury follow:
inquest was held before Coroner White in the morning at 11 o’clock. The jury,
having been sworn, proceeded to view the body.
HENWOOD, being sworn, said : Deceased was our cook; she had been in our employ
since last Wednesday; she was a steady and good servant till Saturday night,
when, having gone out, she brought some liquor home with her on her return; on
Sunday, she was intoxicated and I had her taken to her room; I took a half
gallon jar of whiskey from her on Sunday morning, there was a good deal in it;
I do not know how much; she was sick all day Monday; she got up several times,
but I always sent her back to bed; I last saw her alive about 12:30 last night;
she was perfectly sensible; this morning, about 7:30, the deceased was not in
her room, and then she came downstairs, and saw a light in the inner surgery,
and also saw what she thought was a night dress; she came up and told me; she
did not go in; I came down a few minutes afterwards, and on entering the
surgery found the deceased in the position in which the jury saw her;
everything in the room was then as it was when the jury saw it; the lamp was
burning and the bowl beside it; there was liquid in the bowl; I do not know the
nature of it.
EARL, labourer, testified – The deceased was my daughter; she was twenty-five
years of age; she was born in the county of Clare, Ireland, and was, by
religion, a Roman Catholic; has generally been employed as a house servant;
have not seen her alive since she went to Dr. Henwood’s; saw the body viewed by
the jury this morning, and recognize it as that of my daughter, Bridget Earl;
she was in the habit of drinking liquor at times; never heard her express a
wish to die, or desire to take her own life; deceased did not come to my house
on Saturday night last.
M.D., sworn : Examined the body of deceased which was received by the jury;
found it that of a well-nourished young woman; there were no external marks of
violence, except a small cut on the lower lip, which have been caused by some
blunt instrument; in company with Dr. George Mackelcan made a post mortem examination
of the body this afternoon; examined the brain and found it and the membrane
very much congested, it was otherwise healthy in appearance; the lungs were
healthy, with the exception of some old adhesions; the liver was very much
enlarged, soft, and easily broken down; the heart was healthy and of the usual
size, but had a clot of fibinia in one of the large vessels; the stomach was
almost entirely empty; it presented no traces of inflammation; the small
intestines showed signs of recent inflammation; the kidneys were healthy. Am of
the opinion, from what I have heard of the evidence and from that and the
examination I have made, that the deceased died from the effects of an overdose
of colchicum.
MACKELCAN corroborated the evidence of Dr. Bullen.
jury consulted a few minutes and returned the following verdict : “That the
deceased, Bridget Earl, came to her death, on the morning of the 9th
instant, from the effect of an overdose of the tincture of colchicum,
administered by her own hand : and your jury are of the opinion that when the
deceased took said draughts, she was not cognisant of its effects.”
The streets of downtown
Hamilton in 1876 were always the source of colourful incidents and encounters,
such as the following:
“A source of considerable
amusement the evening before last was the appearance of a gentleman walking
down James street with three loaves of bread under his arm and a pound of
butter in his hand. He appeared perfectly indifferent to the jests of the
little boys in the street who asked him for a “bite,” and finally disappeared
into a photograph gallery, where his “wittles” would probably constitute part
of a picture.”
Down on Stuart street west, near Hamilton’s major
railway station was the appropriately named, Station Hotel. The hotel had a very eccentric guest whose
story was interesting although the conclusion was very familiar to many
eccentrics passing through the city:
“It is a fact that habit is second nature., and if a man
becomes accustomed to a particular mode of living, he gets to like it and feels
uncomfortable out of it A man who spends six months among the mountains of the
West hankers for the same life when the season comes round again and lumbermen
have informed us that the voyageurs who spent all their lives in the back woods
or on rafts, sleeping in bunks or hammocks in little shanties on the lake shore
or in the woods, eating fat pork and brown bread, and drinking black coffee
with whiskey in it, become attached to the life and will scorn any other.
About ten o’clock last evening, a tramp stopped at the
Station Hotel on Stuart street and asked to be furnished with a room. He was
shown one, and, as was supposed, went to bed. Early this morning, a member of
the household went upstairs to wake the stranger, and was horrified to find the
floor and furniture covered with blood, the window hoisted and one of the panes
broken. The guest was gone, as were also three of the quilts. The inmates were
aroused, but nothing was known of the affair, which was about to sink into a
mystery, when the hero of the bed room was observed coolly marching out of the
back yard with the bed quilts under his arm. Several of the boarders in the
house followed him, and had him arrested. On being brought into the house, he
presented a frightful appearance; his throat, chest, face and head were cut as
if with broken glass and his clothes were saturated with blood. It is supposed
that he did not observe that a window stood between him and the outside, and
that he stuck his head through the pane. He was found by a woman next door
lying very comfortably in a stable with the quilts wrapped around him. His
Worship the Police Magistrate sent him to the Central Prison for twelve months.
Finally, as was the case regularly, a selection of items
from one of the Dundas weekly newspapers was reprinted for readers in Hamilton:
“Dundas ‘Standard’ Items”
hog crop is abundant in Dundas. For the sake of the public it would be
advisable to fence it in.
There is a dispute between two parties regarding a magnificent field of wheat,
the property of Mr. Thomas Hatt. One asserts it is the best in the Province,
while the other maintains it is the best in the Dominion. We can’t decide the
–The Montreal Telegraph Company have removed their office from the Post Office
to Enright’s next door, east of the entrance to the livery stable. Mr. John
Barrett, for a number of years operator at the Great Western station, Dundas,
has been appointed to take charge of the new office, and both as regards
efficiency and general popularity no better appointment could have been made.
A ROW – The
west end of the town was the scene of a protracted row on Saturday afternoon.
Two men, named Grady and Picard, had been imbibing too freely, Grady
particularly, and having discovered some grounds of dispute, each set to work
to pound his views into the other. The operation lasted the greater part of the
afternoon, and in the evening Grady’s face was a landscape in which the crimson
tints largely predominated.
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