Friday, 23 March 2012

March 24, 1876

On March 24, 1876, the Spectator carried a number of brief items copied from the Dundas Banner, quoted as follows :
“HOOK AND LADDER – The members of this company will hold their annual Ball and Supper, in the Town Hall, on Easter Monday, 17th April. Tickets 50 cts. They propose having a “high old time.”
FOR THE CENTENNIAL – The Dundas Cotton Works Co. will exhibit domestic cottons, cotton bags, yarns, tickings, denims and striped and checked shirtlings, and Mr. Head, of Copetown, will astonish the natives with his potato digger.
TEMPERANCE LECTURE – Mrs. Youmans, of Picton, delivered a temperance lecture in the Methodist Church last night, which was well attended. Mrs. Y. is a good speaker, earnest in the cause, and succeeded in riveting the attention of her auditors throughout her able lecture.
ODD FELLOW’ REUNION – On Tuesday evening, the members of Loyal Dundas Lodge, C. O. O. F., held a reunion in their hall, which was well attended by the brethren and their friends. The programme was an excellent one, comprising songs, recitations and dialogues, and a very pleasant evening indeed was spent by all who attended.
CHANGED HIS MIND – According to intimation, the Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, of Toronto, preached in St. Andrew’s Church, Dundas, on Sabbath last, morning and evening, to crowded audiences. His discourses were masterpieces of eloquence, and gave evidence of great talent and deep thought. On the subject of the eternity of future punishment, the reverend gentleman seems to have succeeded in dispelling the mist which surrounded him some time ago, as he treated his hearers in the evening to a mental vision of the place of everlasting torment, which did not lack any of the fire which usually accompanies the orthodox view of his Satanic Majesty’s dominions.
THE STREET RAILWAY – In Dundas, opinions differ widely as to the proposed street railway between Dundas and Hamilton, some contending that it would be of great benefit to the town, and others that it would be an injury. Those who have faith in it will probably see that it is built be a great convenience, if nothing more, to the residents of Hamilton and Dundas.”
Back in the city, a meeting was held to discuss the willingness, or unwillingness, of Hamilton manufacturers to participate in the Exposition held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the formation of the United States:
“Last evening a large meeting of intending exhibitors was held in the City Hall. Sheriff McKellar was appointed chairman, and called the meeting to order in a brief speech, in which he stated the object of the gathering.
Mr. Fraser, the Secretary of the Advisory Board, then addressed the meeting. He said it was too late at this date to explain to those present why they should exhibit at the World’s Fair. He had been here once before and explained it most fully, and he was very sorry to say that some who had promised to exhibit had backed out of that promise. He referred to the encouragement he had received from Hamilton at the beginning and contrasted it with the position of affairs at the present time. When he was appointed Secretary of the Advisory Board, and received instructions to hold meetings throughout the Province, he considered with himself what place to try first, and immediately fixed upon Hamilton as a model to other cities and towns in the Province. He spoke of the sewing machine interest of Hamilton and said that there should be a very large exhibition of sewing machines. He was very sorry to say, however, that only one company in this city was going to exhibit, viz., Wanzer & Co.
          He pointed out that the exhibiting of articles  by Canadians was simply to please the Americans, but to assist the trade of Canada, to cultivate a more extended commerce, and to let other peoples and nations have some idea of our resources. He gave important information in regard to the shipping of this country, and pointed out that Canada was only the fourth maritime power in the world. The arrangements made by the Government of Canada for shipping the goods to the Centennial were of a most liberal character. Articles for exhibition would be brought to exhibition and back free of charge, and any damage would be well paid for. Mr. MacDougal, a commissioner of the Advisory Board, in answer to a question said that the time for the entering of articles was very short and could not be extended, but he was willing to stretch a point in the point and give exhibitors all the time they wanted so far as is reasonable, and he hoped that Hamilton would not be left out in the cold. As far as the facilities were concerned, they were simply excellent. Articles would not be shown for Americans alone, but for the good of the world in general. It was a mistaken idea that many people had, that the United States would be built up by the Centennial at the expense of other nations, and Canada in particular, our own country would be benefitted as well. He urged on those present to have all their articles of superior quality as the judges would not only look at the paint and tinsel, and he hoped that Hamilton would not be behind Toronto in making a good display.
Mr. James Walker, who was present, said the reason he was exhibiting was to give encouragement to others, and to give the Americans some idea of the Canadian soap trade.
His Worship the Mayor explained that there was not a good feeling among our manufacturers in regard to the exhibition, and said that a petty jealousy existed between some of them. Further than that, many of them thought they could not make a market on the other side, and that was the reason they did not exhibit.
A committee was formed composed of the Sheriff, the Mayor, Mr. Coburn, of Sawyer & Co., and Mr. Copp to ascertain the number of exhibitors from Hamilton, and report to the Advisory Board.
The meeting, after a vote of thanks to the Chairman, adjourned.”

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